Covid-19 update
Prego is following all Government set operating standards in response to Covid-19. Staff and guests are encouraged to follow social distancing practice of 1 metre and 2 metres where possible. Prego will be asking guests to provide contact details, which we will maintain for a period of 21 days, in correlation to the Government Track and Trace Policy. All details will be destroyed after this time period. In line with new government regulations, now written into law, the maximum table size that is available is a table of 6.
We are unfortunately unable to book multiple tables in order to accommodate larger groups as this is against the new Covid-19 rules. We request that guests are mindful of other guests and staff members while dining with us and moving around the site. Regular and thorough cleaning practices are being carried out at Prego to maintain safety for our staff and guests at all times. Thank you in advance for your help and understanding.